Featured in IllinoisTimes Article!
Tune in now, comrade: Liberal couple broadcasts nationwide
“We live in the middle of middle America,” he [Driftglass] said a year ago. “We have been saying, as liberals, ‘This is a divided country.’ There are two Americas out there. You’d better get it through your head: One of them wants to kick the shit out of the other one just to wipe the smug look off our face. They don’t care about policy. They don’t care about the environment. They care about making liberals cry.”
HOLIDAY CONTEST: "The Twelve Weeks of Thanksgiving You Back!"
- Episode 410 - A.Y. in Baltimore MD
- Episode 411 - Doug May
- Episode 412 - David L. in Florida
- Episode 413 - Greg in Missouri
- Episode 414 - Curtis H. in California
- Episode 415 - Barry W. from North Carolina
- Episode 416 - Ms. M.R. from Wisconsin
- Episode 417 - Kelly from Illinois
The Feel Better Department of The Cornfield Resistance is celebrating the end of this annus horribilis [lousy f**king year] by showing our gratitude to all of you who've supported us through it, and WAY before then.
A dozen handmade-in-America bracelets/cuffs have been donated by Rose at Foxwise Jewelry ( You can see small pictures in the image above, and...
If you've been politically active on the internet from the get-go, you knew Rose during the 2000 Election Heist as "RoseRose" of FringeFolk, PracticalRadical, and WhatIDidInTheWar. She even spoke at Voter March DC.
Moral of the story? She's good people, and down with The Resistance - in The Cornfield, elsewhere and EVERYWHERE.
If you haven't already, enter to win one of her twelve custom hand-stamped or engraved #RESIST brass bracelets (or cuffs, for you macho gents) plus a $10 Gift Certificate to, courtesy of Blue Gal & Driftglass:
If you're not sure your luck will come in - especially in time for the holidays - you can visit Foxwise and snatch 'em up at a 20% discount, with the coupon code DGBG2017 (which also applies to anything and everything in Rose's shop).
Foxwise is a women-owned, women-run business, offering handcrafted jewelry since 2010, and all of it is customizable... So the only question is, "What do you want to say today?™"
You are already entered if:
- You're a monthly donor, or have given via Paypal in the last four weeks.
- You've mailed us a check in the last four weeks.
- You've made an in-kind donation (like scotch or knitting yarns) in the last four weeks.
To enter manually - No Purchase or Donation Necessary:
- Make a PayPal donation, or
- Email us at with the following:
- Contest Entry as your email subject line.
- The name, nickname, or handle you'd like us to use to announce your victory.
The Swag Has Landed:

Check out our MERCH COLLECTIONS on zazzle. New products and designs are being added just in time for the busy War on Christmas shopping season!
Solidarity! Print-and-Stick-Together:
Make sure the hard-working hands that deliver your cards, gifts, and letters (to the editor AND Congress!) are attached to union members. Print out and affix these "Go Postal Unions!" labels to show your solidarity with - and appreciation for - our USPS work force.
These 300 dpi JPGs are meant to be printed out and attached the the inside surface of your personal mailbox door, where your letter carrier can't miss 'em! They fit these mailbox styles:

DOWNLOAD A: 6.5" SQUARE for traditional roadside mailboxes
DOWNLOAD B: 4.5" SQUARE for OLD multi-unit mailboxes
DOWNLOAD C: 2.75 x 11" RECTANGLE for NEW multi-unit (apartment & business) mailboxes
These 300 dpi Word Docs for download are ideal for printing 30-to-a-page 2 5/8 x 1" labels, such as Avery 8160 (for inkjet) or Avery 5160 (for laser). We've given you two choices: Ink-Blower & Ink-Saver: